Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Tribute to Those Who Play "Second Fiddle"

This blog is a tribute to Dr. J. R. Faulkner, 1914-2009, the former President of Tennessee Temple University. I had the privilege of knowing Dr. Faulkner from 1980 - 1985 when I was a student at TTU. Dr. Faulkner taught me and the thousands of students who knew him, what it means to play "second fiddle." Dr. Faulkner was the right-hand man to Dr. Lee Roberson, TTU Chancellor. Not many people know how to play "second man" very well. So many people want to be the up-front guy, the man in charge, or the one who gets all the glory. Dr. Faulkner was one of the most humble men I have ever known. He and Dr. Roberson worked so well together. Besides their work at the university, at Highland Park Baptist Church, Dr. Roberson was the senior pastor and Dr. Faulkner led the congregational singing. When you saw the one you saw the other. Theirs was a unique friendship.

Also, I learned so much wisdom from Dr. Faulkner on leadership. In 1985 I was the Student Body vice president. I went to see Dr. Faulkner to get his advice on how to present a student body chapel that I was in charge of. His advice was so practical and full of wisdom. I look back on that special chapel knowing that he gave me permission to do something in that chapel that was unusual for that time period. He was forward thinking and inclusive.

I hosted a special Christmas service one December night in 1984. It was the first time we had ever attempted anything quite like that at Temple. I found out later that Dr. Faulkner sat in the balcony of the auditorium that night, giving his blessing by his presence. I always appreciated that He came to every play that I was in.

One of my favorite memories was attending a grand 70th birthday party for Dr. Faulkner. The evening was a "This is your Life" style dinner. Dr. Faulkner thoroughly enjoyed himself as friends from the past came out to greet him. Near the end of the ceremony a booming voice was heard over the PA. Dr. Faulkner knew that voice and looked up with unbelief. Suddenly Dr. Faulkner's long-time friend, Dr. Bob Jones, Jr. came out. They had been friends since their days in college together at Bob Jones College. For those who don't understand the disconnect between TTU and Bob Jones University, let me just say, the two schools didn't always see eye-to-eye. The fact that Dr. Bob was on campus was a huge deal. These old friends were able to renew their relationship on Dr. Faulkner's special day.

You may be reading this and wondering "who in the world are all of these people" and "why should I care." You may not care...but these people are my legacy. These people poured themselves into me. Dr. Faulkner is a part of that legacy. The world is a better place because of Dr. J. R. Faulkner.

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